Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shopping Online Buying Patterns Altera Retail Uk

For over ten years since Amazon opened a store in the United States, and only ten years since opening the UK. We'll use Amazon as a benchmark for the real model of success in the first retail sale through the Internet and how it affected the retail trade in general and the United Kingdom in particular.

Retail online (the "new economy") offers several advantages over traditional brick and mortar "stores - but also has interesting benefits and disadvantages (many of which are run by technology). Even if Amazon was not the first - the UK, it was a pin-up that offers men's magazine as the historical case of the first "Internet commerce". Amazon was the first to have a significant impact on retail less as we know it.

The main advantages of an online store in a smaller budget, has a website showing their products in a software solution shopping cart instead of having to pay to see the space and staff to man the registration . All customers may enter data necessary to make an order, and its software can be configured to contain control information for regular customers only.

Like all those who manage a business of retailing is aware, the cost per square meter of space for retail loans is almost three times the cost per square foot of storage space, even after the initial increase spending before creating an online store, operating costs must be reduced (in theory) to make a company more efficient.

To draw in business, most online retailers use their discount Amazon.com is an example of this, with many hardcover books priced at 10% to 15% over wholesale, resulting in a reduction coverage of 30% or more. Other shops, such as overstock.com, was having a lot of products and do the same.

What has been done to the brick and mortar business has been illustrative of the labor market dynamics: low prices dominate everything else, and consumes vote with their credit cards. The market segments in their entirety are moving rapidly online business models, most notably for items that are "commodity" products such as books.

Another retail segment has been eliminated by the online music stores and distribution of entertainment, Apple iTunes Store is currently the second largest music retailer in the world, she and Sony are the only two music distributors to gain market share. The old record shop in the High Street could become a thing of the past soon. Similar pressures exist in the books, although the iPod for books has not yet materialized Kindle (Amazon could be a first step towards that).

What remains in the level of shopping experience for retail where customers want to see, touch and try products before purchasing clothing and related products is one, like shoes. Cars are another place where customers have proven to be careful of buying online. Similarly, grocery stores, despite several attempts to make "an online grocery store" has resisted all attempts to enter an online marketplace realistic look back a decade, and you will see many attempts "New Save" Many traditional market segments, and while we remember those who have worked (insurance, books, music), most people only remember the failures.

While online shopping has become a form of distribution, the transformation is not over yet.

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